5 Takeaways from March’s Virtual Events #expochat [Infographic]

The world changed overnight. We are now and for who knows how long physical separated- socially distanced. Obviously, this has been devastating to the events industry. Many have outright canceled, others postponed and still others are going virtual. Last week, I moderated an #expochat on the topic of virtual events. If you missed it, you can read through the full archive of the discussion. 

Continue reading “5 Takeaways from March’s Virtual Events #expochat [Infographic]”

5 Takeaways from January’s All About Event Marketing #expochat [Infographic]

Last week I moderated #expochat on Twitter and engaged with industry leaders on the topic of event marketing in 2020. When I started in event marketing with an association about two decades ago, we printed and mailed 35,000+ (yes!) multi-page brochures about “Annual Conference” to the membership. I think that approach would now be called “blanketing”. We put it out there to all to see what would stick. And I promise we weren’t crazy. If you’ve been in the industry a decade or less, I swear that was the industry norm.

Thankfully, things have changed steadily in the 20 years since this century began. Event marketing today is less about “butts in seats” or “exhibit hall aisles filled with bodies that may or may not be interested in the exhibits”. Rather than just getting people in the door and calling it a day, marketers today are reaching and then connecting with the right audience and demonstrating an event’s value to them and leaving an impression. Continue reading “5 Takeaways from January’s All About Event Marketing #expochat [Infographic]”

5 Takeaways from June’s Matchmaking #expochat [Infographic]

Last week, I moderated an #expochat on the topic of formal matchmaking programs at events. If you missed it, you can read through the archive of the discussion. One of the top reasons attendees come to events and exhibitors make the investment to showcase their products at events is to increase connections with the right people. Instead of allowing all of the networking and connections to happen organically, by chance or through hours of tedious work by attendees, show organizers can develop more engaging experiences for their participants by implementing formal matchmaking programs using technology to automate and refine the process. Continue reading “5 Takeaways from June’s Matchmaking #expochat [Infographic]”

The Evolution of Testimonials in Marketing and Their Power Today

Last week, a business colleague told me about a new social media management tool I have to try. It was casual conversation, but for brands, there’s power in that recommendation. Humans crowdsource by habit. We regularly seek others’ opinions, advice and ideas when making purchases both in our personal and professional lives. Many, many decades ago, when marketers recognized the power of word of mouth and figured out how to create that one-on-one feeling within mass marketing, the testimonial was born. Continue reading “The Evolution of Testimonials in Marketing and Their Power Today”

glee’s Top Posts of 2018

We’re sending you warm thoughts a sweet New Year. But before you close the door on 2018, here’s a look back at the most-read posts on glee. Interestingly, not one topic dominated the top of the charts. Readers were interested in trends and best practices in topics across the board including content marketing, event marketing, copywriting and social media. Continue reading “glee’s Top Posts of 2018”

BREAKING NEWS: glee to moderate TSNN Webinar on Nov. 8

I’m happy to announce that I will moderate an upcoming TSNN Webinar, “Creating Memorable Event Experiences: Game On!” On Thursday, November 8, 2018 at 1 pm ET, event organizers are invited to participate in the free webinar which will feature a discussion between a panel of event organizers on creating memorable experiences for event attendees.

Panel members include Krista LeZotte, Senior Director of Conferences at ASAE, Katie Stern, General Manager at Game Developers Conference at UBM Tech and John Washko, Vice President of Exhibitions and Conventions at Mohegan Sun. Working within a variety of industries, these experts have already designed unique event experiences for their audiences and will share that process and its results with webinar participants.

This topic comes at an important juncture for event planners. Rethinking the traditional education/exhibition/networking format is critical in order to remain competitive and there have never been more tools with with to do it.

The discussion is designed to help planners embark on their own experience design journeys by identifying all of the areas of their events that could be enhanced, demonstrating how they can use technology and how they can partner with their venue to create unique experiences.

Register for the free webinar here.